Внимание! С 18 июня по 9 июля открыта 2 смена по программе "Лето на старте" Занятия проводятся тренером-преподавателем Корневой Ириной Васильевной в спортивном зале ДЮСШ с 10.00 до 12.00 ежедневно, кроме воскресенья. Приглашаем всех желающих.
Miss is as good as a mile - A. What goes up must come down. Might is right. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. Wherever you wander, there's no place like home Link to proverb. The cobbler always wears the worst shoes Link to proverb. It's an ill wind that blows no one any good Link to proverb.
Beauty is only skin deep Link to proverb. https://ogonek327.com It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness Link to proverb. Tell the truth and shame the Devil Link to proverb. Miss is as good as a mile - A. Bigger they are, the harder they fall - The. Blue are the hills that are far away. Whom the Gods love die young.